Rising Star Academy

Important Instructions for Parents

To Parents and Guardians

Parents and Guardians are requested to co-operate with the school authorities by enforcing discipline and regularity at home. In order that lessons may be duly revised, they are requested to insist on their wards to devote enough time everyday for study at home. If parents do not insist on regular attendance and home study, the results in the examinations are bound to be disappointing.

Parents and Guardians are recommended to call on the Principal / Co-ordinator at least once in a term to enquire about the conduct, progress and attendance of their child. They should make it a point to meet the teachers without fail during the Parent Teacher Meeting (PTM) held after each assessment.

All Parents and Guardians are made members of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) of the school, by paying the membership fee at the beginning of the year. This Association aims at fostering closer relationship, mutual understanding and co-operation between the home and the school.

It is compulsory on the part of the parents to attend the PTA meetings when called upon to do so.

Parents should ensure that their children note down their daily homework in the calendar and make them write it regularly.

Parents and Guardians (or other persons) are not allowed to visit the students or their teachers during school hours without the Principal’s / Co-ordinator’s permission.

Any form of criticism of a teacher or of the school in front of students should be strictly avoided. If done, the student loses respect for his/her teacher and fails to learn appropriate behaviour. If you have a genuine complaint or problem, please contact the Principal/Co-ordinator.

The Management will not be responsible for your child once he/she is picked up by the parent/guardian / drivers from the classroom.

Students are expected to be punctual and disciplined.

With the co-operation of parents and guardians the school authorities hope to shape the child into an honest, hardworking, service-minded and God-fearing citizen of India.

It is mandatory for parents to attend the Orientation Day, Curriculum Day & Parent Teacher Meetings. Prior permission from the Principal/Co-ordinator is required if unable to attend.


The school has introduced an online management programme called Schoolphins which has the following features : Attendance reports, Daily Logs, Test & Exam, Schedules, Fee details, Messaging and Assessment Cards/Reports. We need your support in making the digital platform successful. We request parents / guardians to update the child’s profile information.