Rising Star Academy

Rules Concerning Absence

(a) Punctual and regular attendance is insisted upon. Prior permission for leave of absence from school must be applied in writing by parents guardian and for valid reasons only. General terms of excuse “some business”, “some ceremony” etc., will not be entertained. Attendance on the first woking day and last working day of every term/long vacation is compulsory.

(b) Special notice will be taken of absence without leave from class tests. Those who absent themselves on the re-opening day after the holidays, without prior permission from the Principal/Co-ordinator, may have to pay a fine. In case of illness, a medical certificate must be submitted.

(c) Pupils must adhere to the school timings, habitual late arrival to school of students is discouraged and if a students is late to school more than three times, he/she is liable to be fined.

(d) When a pupil has been absent from school for some unforeseen reason e.g. illness, he/she must, on returning to school, produce a leave note signed by his/her parent or guardian (see Leave and Absence Record pg. 58 to 62). Should the absence exceed three successive days, prior notice must be forwarded to the Principal and permission be obtained.

(e) Continued absence for a week without leave approval shall be considered equivalent to withdrawal of a pupil from the school and his/her name shall be struck off the rolls.

(f) A pupil, absent without leave during any one class hour of either session of the day, shall be regarded as absent for the entire session.

(g) A pupil marked absent, shall continue to be marked absent, until he/she produces an order from the Principal/Co-ordinator to be marked present.

(h) A pupil who has been suffering from an infectious disease must produce a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner, stating that he or she is fit to resume school; so that he/she may attend School without risk of spreading infection. The Principal reserves the right, however, of extending the time of permitting the pupil to classes after obtaining medical advice.

(i) Irregular attendance, insubordination to teachers, habitual inattention to school work and obscenity in word or action are sufficient reasons for permanent or temporary dismissal of pupils. Minor offences, coming late to class habitually, moving about the corridors during class hours, are also punishable.